I Dream of Danger

Nick and Elle were OK. I thought that they got together a little too quickly for me once Nick finds her again. Elle didn't have much will power. I'm not sure I bought Nick not being able to find her for the amount of time it took him to. With all of their technology, it should have been a piece of cake. I was also a bit disappointed that author set up the same "loss/resurrection" scenario with this couple in the end. She already did it with Mac and Catherine in the first one.
The story was a bit repetitive and went over the same material about Haven and its residents one too many times. It ended up making the book longer than it needed to be. I'm hoping that the author will tighten things up more in the next book and not go over the same ground again. The ending was a bit of a cliffhanger and I do look forward to Jon's story next in Breaking Danger, which comes out later this year.
Review will be posted on From the TBR Pile on June 20, 2014