Gravediggers: Mountain of Bones

Gravediggers: Mountain of Bones - Christopher Krovatin The book was fast paced and kept me engaged. The story alternated between the three kids' points of view. I thought the format worked well, especially since the story progressed fluidly as each point of view changed. It was nice to see the different kids and how they reacted to the situations. It's a good book about friendship as well. All three of the kids are very different from each other and aren't exactly friends in the beginning. The experience soon makes them realize what true friendship is all about.

Since it is a book with zombies, there is a bit of gore. It was also pretty scary in a few places. It's probably a level up from the Goosebumps series in scare factor. The story was very clean and I think that it could be fine for mature sixth graders and up.